Velvet Underground Covered
I recently came across this Nirvana cover of the Velvet Underground's 'Here She Comes Now' that is of studio quality.
incarcerated animalism
I recently came across this Nirvana cover of the Velvet Underground's 'Here She Comes Now' that is of studio quality.
The 1st Annual GIGANTIC miniature Show
Featuring works by
Distort. Mr Mustart. Keith Garcia. Joshua Mays. TF Dutchman. Miss
Dabree. Orlando Reyes. Loser. Tdee. Dan Zomack. Da Saint. Sean
Lugo, Then One. Nteligent. TJ Carlson. Ian Kualii. Kilroy Savage.
Loren Abbate. Alex Tyshkov. Eric Sophie. Wrox, Doze Green.
Open every night from December 12-20, 2008.
Closing reception December 20, from 7-11pm, with live music by The Whoods Family
Band and The One and Nines.
58 Gallery
58 Coles Street
Jersey City, NJ
For more info, please visit
To make an appointment to view the works, please contact
This is the 3rd video in the Mike Carroll series in Epicly Later'd. I was kind of confused by this particular video, because it is just a weird rave scene with people's heads pasted on. But I ended up watching it twice, really zoning out to what the narrator (Sam Smyth?) was saying about how raving and the things that come with that particular scene really brought people together.
I felt that he gave an accurate or honest portrayal of that diffuse archetypal phase that a lot of youth go through. To simplify it, would be to strip it down.
It really was a strange yet beautiful thing, and somehow we're all lucky to get through it... if we did.
Labels: Man You Trippy Holmes, Them Cycles
XLR8R Magazine has some good content on their YouTube channel, unlike their magazine. Here are two I peeped and thought were good with a glass of Brita water. In the first video, Eliot Lipp visits some second hand shop in NYC with a basement full of records (*that one is for you, Stackswell) at around the 6:00 mark; they even include the name and location. He mentions that A-1 takes all the good stuff before the rest of the records trickle into this shop. The second video follows Daedalus, who I'm still getting familiar with but always thought was intriguing.
SeNt frOm my LaPtOp
"Boxing makes you curvy," she said, striking a pose with a giggle. "I want to be a pretty girl who does pretty boxing...but in this sport, you do take some punches..."
*These pictures and quote are from a recent NY Times article on Hyunmi Choi, a Korean "champion" boxer. True North Korean refugee status live from South Korea. In that picture in the grocery store, she's wearing sunglasses to hide black eyes from a recent fight. Sometimes people amaze me. Illmatic yea.
**In between moments of real life, I like to check out a few blogs/sites for cues on modern culture and general inspiration. Some of them are:
1) Scott Hansen's blog ISO50: I like his take on graphics, photography, and other stuff, but really I dig his music put out under the alias "TYCHO". His homie Jakub blogs on that site as well, letting us know the skinny on some good new music as well.
2) Patrick O'Dell's mini documentary-series on skateboarding called "Epicly Later'd" on VBS.TV. The show is based around the perspective of a fan and maybe a friend. It allow geeks like myself in on the more personal aspects of skateboarding. As much as "lifestyle" makes me cringe, it has always been what attracted me to skateboarding in the first place. Check out the latest series on LAKAI, especially the retrospective on the Carroll brothers. I am also a fan of the John Cardiel series.
3) Last but not least, Reed Space owner and "self-made" man Jeff Staple's To Darrin Hudson,
is a nice little blog from a great person in my opinion. (*The boxer article is an indirect pull from his site.) I don't know him personally, but the guy has always been pretty positive from the get-go.
As a teenager back in the "" days, Staple caught my attention, because he was one of few Asian-Americans doing what I thought was out of the ordinary, along the likes of DJ Q-Bert, the Mountain Brothers, DUEL MCI, and Jeff Pang. In one magazine feature back in the day, he mentioned dropping out of pretty much every major university in NYC, which to me was kind of refreshing. Staple went on to help start a few major clothing companies, and eventually his own company/design firm/multifunctional machine. The funny thing is, he's been kind of killin' it for years, but I swear there was like a whole 10 year gap before he blew up with the whole Pigeon dunk craze. I loved the days of the Staple ads with just one picture and a cheezy yet truthful quote like "Happiness is not a destination, but a state of mind". In a way, these small ads, and his small tidbits of coverage, were a life-saver for outcast kids like me growing up in the suburbs. So Mr. Staple, thanks for the hope back in the day.
In the same vain of Jiffypop, cassette tapes, and freeze-dried ice cream, Polaroids offered some kind of American hope to the masses about a world of futurism. Unfortunately, they were phased out by some other competing format, but there still is room for revisionists and nostalg-eezys in 2008.
POLADROID is a free program used to give your digital photos a Polaroid-esque feel. Unfortunately, I can't even use it, since it is only offered for MAC users. I hope you enjoy it, as well as the photos I chose from the couple of ones I seen in the Poladroid Flickr group.
Although I probably won't go nuts and Poladroid every digital photo that I have, Polaroids still hold a special part of my nostalgia-drenched identity. As a pre-teen, I played around with the family's Polaroid camera from the early 80's, which was in the same essence of wearing my sister's hand-me downs (*God Forbid) and using an Apple IIe in 1998 in my household.
-Carryout the Last Child aka the Baby.
Labels: 90's Mythology, Cuban Linx, DJ Eclipse, Ectasy, Group Home, Joz and Easy, NYC, Quarter Juice, WNYU, Zippers
Any parting words?
My dad had this quote pinned to the wall of his studio that didn’t make sense to me until I got older. It’s from Calvin Coolidge: “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” Makes a lot of sense now.
*An excerpt from GIRL/CHOCOLATE art director Andy Jenkins' interview with SLAP
**As a youngster, I really dug Girl/Chocolate for their esthetic(s), funny fun serious team, personalities (i.e.- Mike York, Keenan, Spike Jonze...), dope skating, etc. I think my role model was a cross between Eric Koston and Mike York. Haha.
I visit the CHROMEBALLINCIDENT blog everyday to revisit older skateboarding magazine excerpts. Recently that blog put up a post on Greg Hunt, with the ill quote.
Q: "What's one thing people should know about life?"
A: "It's short." -Greg Hunt
-Ph. Carryout
“It’ll take a nation of fools to hold us back.”
A climate conducive to the oversatursation of bulging politicians. Every campaign stop from villages in the Catskills to Seattle is covered with the same grandiosity and fever a stop in Washington, D.C. gets. They’re all televised live on the cable news giants. There are no small cable news outlets and won’t be with ol’ Rupert and Teddy Turner scoring the game. Further proof politics has lost its sport.
Speeches can no longer be immortalized by writers, such as Hunter S. Thompson did with then presidential hopeful Jimmy Carter’s Law Day speech in 1974. Carter was only speaking to the public – Thompson being the lone reporter in the crowd that afternoon. The speech was written about by Thompson in an issue of Rolling Stone, which arguably turned a young public onto Carter thus changing the tide of the election, but ultimately the face of American politics.
Today, candidates’ deep words are showcased between commercial for SUV hybrids and home pregnancy tests. Today, scores of emboldened bloggers broadcast their view of each candidate’s words, didactically relaying the facts, “facts,” fictions, “fictions” … spewing fire and brimstone. The only difference in the frenzy between ‘em and the Reverend Billy Graham is not interspersing every third sentence with glorification due/undue to the one Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and/or God himself (God is a man, so the Christians say and if they say so, then…). Making the tail wag.
But even writing this is screaming in space. Everyone’s drunk on the gratificazione immediate of what is simulcast or printed as (the) news. People’ve become deep junkies for this. There’s no convincing them of no more television/newspapers/magazines but most importantly INTERNET. See, some of these folks preach about how they do not have a television and/or cable yet spend more minutes online than the average person – which is to say the time equals those minutes they aren’t sitting in front of the TV so they’re both equal via alternate parities.
They’ve both become so diluted politics has lost its edge/importance/ relativity and more people vote for American’t Idol than a presidential election. The round the clock coverage permits even the most simple person in American society – the redneck – to stay current alongside the Caucasian CEO fellow on the latest trends and words of their candidate.
The politicians are not men – each is the consummate trained actor. Each is quite aware he or she will constantly be on camera or caught on mic, so they have precocious handlers whose sole purpose it is to be pre-occupied with their employer’s ever lasting Gobstopper image. The candidate’s vast knowledge is sold as a gimmick, a selling point for the product…kind of like a freshness guarantee with a fast food hamburger. The handler’s savviness is synonymous with sliminess. Men like Kennedy and Nixon never had this gig figured out as skillfully as the ace thespians Barack Obama and John McCain do, and they did not have to back then.
The world has become one where highbrow individuals tend to follow the gossip of politics because it appears more real/genuine/relative than of movie stars’ – but they are and have become molded into one in the same. Politics have become a viral circus at the hands/words of the media and bloggers who break the politicians down into as interesting figures as they do with Lindsey Lohan. (Just what were her and Sam Ronson up to this past weekend anyways?) A cartoon army of politicians have decided the day, and the people have given them the permission.
Sometimes the best thing about a bar is the water fountain.
Recently I was visiting a website, and I noticed a strange third-party process occuring at the bottom left of my Mozilla browser. It stated "". Further research led to an understanding that it was some form of demographic extracting pseudo-spyware thing. I guess these kind of hidden sites are everywhere, and we're no longer safe to be innocently web-surfing like we all did at one point.
Oh well...
-Concerned Carryout
Labels: Beatnuts, Party In the 3rd World, Some Bama Ass Sh*t
I will update soon with more pics....but here is some info on two great shows, with John Slaby at the Fleisher Art Memorial coming up and Drew Leshko, ongoing, at the Center for Emerging Visual Artists:
Drew Leshko:
Six artists converting what we would normally think of as undesirable architecture or activity into something of beauty.
curated by Lee Stoetzel
October 2 - 24
The Center for Emerging Visual Artists
237 S. 18th. Street
The Barclay, Suite 3A
Philadelphia, PA 19103
closing reception: October 23 5:30-7:30 John Slaby at Fleischer:
"The Wind Challenge Exhibition Series is a regional competition, presented by the Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial. It has gained a national reputation for excellence since its establishment in 1978. The Challenge Exhibitions encourage recognition of regional talent and serves as an incentive for Fleisher's diverse student audience to move forward with their own creative work."
Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial
719 Catharine Street
Philadelphia PA 19147-2811
Opening Reception this Saturday at 6pm. -Jag
This is the best. Watch over and over again. Stolen from the TTL Blog.
And an enhanced version of the previous clip:
-sprint samsung phone 1995
Labels: Delayed Response, Haiti, They the best
It's been a long time, since I've been excited about purchasing a new cd.
Jake One, producer extraordinare via Seattle, is dropping his 2nd Album called "White Van Music" on Rhymesayers Entertainment. It comes with a bonus disc of instrumentals. The album features Freeway, 50 Cent, Alchemist, Brother Ali, and Evidence among other people. Rik Cordero is shooting the videos for the single and the promos
It will be available at all retailers this Tuesday. You can cop it at Target for 9.99, so there's no real excuse to download it (either from a blog or even iTunes).
Here's one track off the album with the legendary M.O.P:
I'd like to quote my coworker in relation to this track: "This song makes me want to get a brick and break it up into nicks..."
And while we're on the topic of rap music, here's a pretty cool video of Eminem and Proof (RIP) freestyling in Em's car. It's always good to see people kickin' it without politics and bullshit.
"In 1967, a young Philadelphia cartoonist named Robert Crumb arrived in San Francisco and quickly established himself as a master of the burgeoning "Comix" movement. No one had ever seen anything like Crumb's skewed adult satire, a brilliant combination of classical storytelling and crass commercialism, expressed in a vibrant symbolic language harking back to "old time" cartooning. First featured in Philadelphia's Yarrowstalks and in his own Zap Comix, Crumb's tales of funny animals and misguided souls seeking enlightenment (including Fritz the Cat, Mr. Natural, Devil Girl, and his most enduring character, R. Crumb) vibrate with libidinal obsessions, feminist empowerment, racial tension, counterculture paranoia, government repression, and big-business commodification—the hustles and bustles hidden beneath the American dream." R. Crumb exhibit now open at the ICA Philadelphia. -JW
Sent by Nick Orso: "Please see the attached flyer and media alert for a party we are having this Saturday from 1 to 5pm at Pop's Playground in the New Kensington section of Philadelphia (at E. Huntingdon St. and Trenton Ave.). There will be professional skateboarders there, ramps for them to ride, music, food, and Boost is giving me one of those huge, oversized checks. Come out and have some fun if you can.
You can find pictures of the proposed mixed-use park and more information on public space and skateboarding on my blog (click the New Kensington tab at the top)." Looks fun. -JW
It wasn't so much that that this guy is so woodsy looking that makes the scene funny, it's that his partner who was taking the photo was wearing some canvas Sahara outback hat that kept getting in the way of the camera lens and he had to take the photo multiple times. The fellow with the aves shirt in the pic was yelling at his friend to lift his hat up too so the flash could go off properly.
And Sasha Grey is a big fan of Joy Division too fyi.
Nowadays you ask someone what they listen to, and most people say "a little bit of everything". But just a few years ago, that wasn't the case. The records you bought really counted and had significant roles in one's identity or personality. There was some kind of passion involved in the individual as a listener and consumer. Sometimes I think that people used to really LISTEN and not just listen to music, but of course that isn't true or fair to say.
Back in this time, when you saw a "rare" music video on TV, you probably flipped out and paid close attention. I specifically remember watching certain music videos and getting a buzz. I also really valued listening to radio stations, such as Hot 97, Power 99, Q102, Z100, etc, when visiting nearby metropolitan areas; I guess it was my way of envisioning what I thought "like-minded youth" were listening to. Boy, I sure was wrong though. That feeling of some kind of movement dissolved as I got to college, but that's another story.
It was around the 6th grade (mid-90's), on the brink of teenage anxiety, that I started to seek refuge in music, or popular music should I say. During this time, I would buy 1 new cd/cassette a month if I was lucky, and examples of my first musical choices are shown below. At such an age, music was my means to bond with people without having to use any grown-up social skills. I hope in 2008, that's still possible. Every so often, I go back and listen to those records that I first listened to, to find some child-like relief, rekindle a little sensitivity, and ground me in some kind of reality. I'm just a cornball, but hey I can be cool too right?
(Final note: A valid question people may have for me is why I bother to read/see/listen to half the things I do. (*"Soul For Real? C'mon...") I guess I've always been an observer and outsider to every scene and social setting that I've encountered, even the ones that I feel very much a part of . In the process, I feel I've been conditioned to simply "extract" and take what I can for my own use. Exploitation maybe, survival for an identity: sure. But yea, I'm open to debate and concerns...)
Literally the first four pieces of music I ever owned...
The Cranberries- No Need To Argue
No Need To Argue was the first compact disc I ever bought. This kid made fun of me for liking The Cranberries, especially since Dolores O'Riordan sang with a tremolo effect?! Oh well, he liked Pearl Jam, and I still think they're wack. This clip is from their MTV Unplugged series, which at the time was great.
Madonna- I'll Remember
My sister gave me this song on maxi-casette (whatever that meant) for my 12th birthday. It was on the With Honors soundtrack, and I think that was a decent movie at the time. I digress was still a good song.
R.E.M.- Monster
This song was pretty big on MTV at the time, and I thought it was a cool song. I don't think I ever understood the lyrics ever though. In retrospect, Michael Stipe sure dances funny in this video though.
Soul For Real- Candy Rain
Soul For Real was the jam, and they definitely made some bangers.
-Carryout *
I was in Promised Land, PA(About 3 hours North of Philly) this past weekend and skated a real fun 3.5 ft. mini. The ramp was nestled in the woods and was painted in camo. It had a huge American flag perfectly painted on the flatbed, and military mesh on the back of the deck to go with the camouflage theme. This made me look up miniramps on flickr, and I found some pretty interesting ones that had artistic themes that were really pushing the envelope. These two that are pictured are in Beijing. -Jaguarman
Above: More from Wyoming, PA. Kinda blurry though.Below: Throwback Mr. Magoo.
Below: Outdoor living.
Homemade 'Za
And finally, a quick glance at the booming graff scene in East Stroudsburg, PA.
Also note: A lot of good mixes happening lately courtesy of Mr. Kiji. Most notably his covers compilation.
With the advent of growing up, I started to peep WIRED magazine for kicks. Some major moves right here, baby; I went from watching The Wire to reading WIRED. Anyhow, I found one joint on their website that highlights 12 ways to improve your daily lifestyle from a WIRED point of view. For example, one tip is to distract oneself during a study session to improve memory processing. Another good one mentioned is to maximize your energy levels by spacing out small doses of caffiene during the day, rather than taking one powerful dose in the morning. To be honest, I think WIRED magazine kind of sucks, but there's still a lot of great things to extract from it.
Back in the late 90's, Ted Newsome had a monthly 2 page section in Transworld called the "A New York Minute". It was probably my favorite feature, because it featured East Coast skating and tidbits that drive East Coast skaterats like myself wild. It was definitely more creative and loosely organized than any other standard TWS article. It was essentially a lifestyle piece, before that particular lifestyle became branded beyond realness. Thanks to Chrome Ball Incident for posting that blast from the blasts.
Last but not least, I have always been a fan of WARP records. Sometimes I would like to think of it as a gentleman's MoWax. Some of my favorite Warp artists have been Vincent Gallo, Clark, Boards of Canada, and Jackson and the Computer Band. Recently, WARP released the album "LOS ANGELES" by the artist known as Flying Lotus. It's got some bangers on it, especially the ones that feature the female vocals of Golly. The youtube link above is a sample of my favorite song on the album called "Infinitum".
I rolls dolo from Chinatown to Chinatown.
-Cool Carryout
Labels: Acupuncture, Bus Transfer, Cumulus Clouds, Garlic, Hummus, Meridians, Rice and Beans, Smoothies
In the news recently, "researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston found that a baby's smile activates a region in the mother's brain known to produce feelings of euphoria." That is some ill sheet if I can say so myself.
"The same can be said for money and praise; Japanese researchers have linked both to the brain's pleasure centers. In other words, whether you get a raise at work or a big compliment from the person you're dating, your striatum -- the brain's reward system -- is likely to be turned on." British researchers also found that "successful shopping produces a euphoric experience equal to kissing and other romantic activities."
Did I say this is some ill sheet? (For the link to real article...)
So go give some compliments, look at a baby smile, climb a mountain, give that lemonade stand a buck, and find that deadstock Wu-Wear XXL jacket you've been looking for all this time.
Labels: Ante Up Your Blog Game, B. Mac, Burritos, Kool-Aid, Lemonade, Marshalls, Sweatshops, Taco Bell, TJ Maxx, Walk On By
I came across an interesting website that highlights architectral photograher Richard Davies trip through rural Russia. The log cabins and other rustic architecture he documented there are pretty facinating. See HERE. -Jaguar
The current exhibit at the ICA Philadelphia featuring Trisha Donnelly, Michael Smith, Joshua White, and Trenton Doyle Hancock is ending this Sunday. Now's a good chance to see it if you haven't. We went this past Sunday and had a fun time. Make sure you go to Madmex's nearby for Margaritas. More info HERE-Jugz
"We've been looking at our ancient culture as if they were deaf and mute..."
Of all the headlines in CNN's website, one titled "Recreating the sound of Aztec 'Whistles of Death'" caught my eye recently. According to the story, archaeologists have been discovering whistles and wind instruments in Mexico that may be related to the Aztecs, but these scientists for years never bothered to play them. One expert in pre-Hispanic music archaeology, Arnd Adje Both, who was also one of the first to play the "Whistles of Death" described the sounds as "more destructive than positive" and others as "highly trance-evocative". Certainly there is more to this story, so feel free to check it out and hear a sample of the whistles of death.
Some Youtube Champagne: (*By year order)
*Have a Good Early Weekend